Music for Palm Sunday
Beethoven – Mount of Olives
Faure – Messe Basse
Sunday 14th April 2019 Church of St Peter and St John, Lowestoft
On Palm Sunday, hear the sublime music of Faure’s “Low Mass” (Janet Upton, solo and Jonathan Palman, organ) and share the drama and pathos of Beethoven’s “Christ on the Mount of Olives”. (Katalin Farsang Prentice -the Seraph; Evan Ruth -Jesus; Chris Upton– Peter); Terry Cunnane, piano).
With Pakefield Singers as angels, disciples and soldiers!
Conducted by Vetta Wise, in the serene setting of Church of St Peter and St John , Kirkley, Lowestoft
6.30pm (No Interval) Refreshments served afterwards.
Tickets – £8 (16 and under free) from – ‘Take Note’ music shop, Grove Road, Lowestoft, choir members and on the door.
For more information:
Phone – 01502 573733
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